Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Positive Energy

Positive thoughts create positive occurrences. On September 20, 2008, I was given the gift of "The Secret" by a security guard at school. Much like my everyday, I was too busy to put thought into reading that semester. So, waited on my book shelf till I put forth the effort to actively change my life, myself.

In 2009, I went through a REALLY hard breakup from a two year relationship in which my life revolved around that person. We were each other's worlds. Then, I realized we were out-growing one another and I needed something more. I was trapped...impatiently waiting to be rescued from the depressive state I had drifted into. So at the end of January 2009, our relationship dissolved....painfully.

On February 16, 2009 an old friend of mine felt my pain and re-introduced me to the phenomenon of "The Secret." This time, I watched and listened, carefully and completely. On this day, I had an epiphany....I was entirely too negative and it was time to make the necessary adjustments. I had succumbed to living a life that was not mine. I repressed my feelings, desires, goals, and natural instincts. This process made me bitter, pessimistic, and lost. I was traveling down a path of self-destruction which resulted in several events occurring without my permission...just my passiveness.

On this day (02/16/09) I began to understand and accept the law of attraction and how my thoughts produce my circumstances. I will not lie and say I changed overnight! I didn't. I had to go through in order to come out. I had to lose and be upset to realize I was not controlling my life...I was being a product of life. I had to face the reality I had created and make an active decision to repair the damage I had done. It was my time to begin living.

Moving forward......I wanted teaching positions, I received them. I wanted to apply for doctoral programs, I'm done. I wanted to start receiving interviews, I got my first one. I needed to learn to be independent, I have. I needed to survive alone in the city, I'm doing it. I had to learn. I had to allow myself the opportunity to trust in my ability to be what I needed to be when I needed to be it. I need to believe.

To you....Just believe.