Monday, January 11, 2010


So I have been receiving a lot of "feedback" and "commentary" about my PRO-Black stance. Surprisingly, majority of the commentary I have received has been from other Black people. It has been weighing heavy on my heart since the end of 2009; but appears to be receiving much more attention and "commentary" within the past (first) weeks of 2010. In order to clarify, I felt the need to release my exhaustion and disappointment with the entire subject.

I am VERY PRO-Black. I will not apologize nor defend my stance. Nonetheless, what I expect from others (rather Black, White, Latino/a, Asian, Native American, etc...) is to respect my stance and understand that it does not insinuate my lack of respect or affection for other cultures.

*PRO-BLACK does NOT equate to ANTI-EVERYTHING else.*

I speak very openly about my dislike for many of the things that "sky people" and others do. I also speak openly about my feelings toward the Black race and even the disconnect between many of my African sisters and brothers to African Americans. These conversations, statements, and points of concerns do not equate to mean that I HATE or DISLIKE any group of people, automatically.

If anyone doubts my ability to be intelligent, support my claims, or politically correct, at this point you can kiss my azz. I mean that in every breathe that it took to read it. Yes, in order to write these words and this blog I could have used several "BIG" words and spruced it up to mean so much more than what the simple strokes of my fingers could be typing at this point. One thing that I pride myself on is being able to simplify my thoughts in ways that many others can not. I write so that ALL are able to read and respond to my words and my thoughts. I pride myself on the fact that I can "code-switch" when necessary, but remain true to my own character. I AM respected in all neighborhoods...hood or on the steps of Ivy Leagues.

Please do not confuse my passion for ignorance. Please do not doubt my ability to be objective in times of distress or when I am teaching a course. I respect the opinions of others. Yet, I also respect the opinions I hold myself. I do not and will not ever have this "groupthink" concept. I am ME. I am proud to be ME. I will remain ME. If I have questions, I will ask. If I do not know something, I will find the answers. Do I recognize that this is a process? Yes. Am I okay with going at my own pace? Yes. Is your ignorance bliss? Maybe. But my ignorance in certain areas equates to me needing to search further for answers. Accordingly, I also recognize that "TRUTH" is relative and should be treated as such.


2) I AM PRO-BLACK. I love my BLACK people with everything that I have inside
3) I do believe in the progression and empowerment of Black people
4) I do associate, befriend, understand, and appreciate other races and ethnicities for the positions that they hold and the people that they are
5) I recognize we all have stereotypes that are true
6) I will continue to state my opinions in the same way others feel capable and "righted" to state theirs

Thanks and Have a Good Day.