Saturday, December 5, 2009

What is a Blog? My Thoughts....

So I've been hesitant to post things because my mind races with several thoughts a day. Should I post several paragraphs in one day or am I supposed to blog one time a day? I think I'm going to just do it MY WAY. I can't base what I will be off of what everybody else isn't (Thanks Jay!). Let's get it cracking with the top things on my mind today:

1) LET TIGER LIVE!!! Why is he the topic of discussion? I could care less about what he does or who he does it with. Just like I didn't care about Bill Clinton, Kobe Bryant, or any other celeb/non-celeb person. Who you sleep with is your biz.....I COULD CARE LESS as long as you're doing what you love, good at what you do, and you aren't physically harming others, me, or children. Let's drop it, please....Could we get on with life and maybe talk about the white folks that snuck in to the state dinner? Let's HYPOTHETICALLY imagine they were people of color. What do you think would have been the immediate after-thought???

2) So I find out that Lil Wayne claims to have been "raped" at age 11. Although I am not surprised, it is disturbing that he is encouraging one of his 15 yr old boys (in his camp) to "start fcuking" cuz he's young money. Ugh! Ummm....excuse me? Que? Uno mas tiempo por favor???!!! A HOT MESS!!!! When did it become okay for us to impose having sex at a young age? Hell, it's just like I posed this week....what happened to dating? Going to the movies and actually WATCHING? What happened to parents not letting J and Chasmine sleep in the same room if J needed to sleep over? I d k what's happening these dayz....but, hey, It is what it is...or is it?

3) GRAMMYS------Sooooo, I'm officially convinced that its something up with Beyonce, Jay, Swift, and the whole camp. That's all I have to say. Fill in the blanks and tell me what you think.....??? Write in the comment section.

Last thing of business for RIGHT NOW....I will write as I can. Granted, I am currently applying to doctoral programs throughout the US, finishing classes, working three jobs, and living life! I am still getting used to this blogging thing.....I guess I should just go with what I feel instead of trying to stay traditional....I'll do me.

Until next time (whenever that is)...Peace.